Saturday, November 2, 2019

Shizuoka Yoshimoto Statue

Big news regarding the Battle of Okehazama and Imagawa Yoshimoto.  Finally, there will be an Imagawa Yoshimoto bronze statue in Shizuoka.  Shizuoka is the home of the Imagawa family and now there will be a statue of Yoshimoto which will be place north of Shizuoka station next year.  On your left is historian Owada Tetsuo who I met earlier this year at the Imagawa Yoshimoto festival.  We chatted for a few minutes about Nobunaga and the Battle of Okehazama.  At the present time, there is only one Yoshimoto statue and that is located at the Arimatsu Okehazama Battlefield.


Tenka no tame!

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