Sunday, August 2, 2020

Odaka Castle Video


My Sengoku historian colleague Hide again has a great video on Odaka Castle.  The video includes the Honmaru, the moats, and the earthen bridge.  Odaka Castle was built by Hanai Bitchu no Kami in the years of 1504-21.  It was 348 by 105 feet in length.  Odaka consisted of two moats, one outer, and an inner and it was constructed on a lowland hill.  The Hanai and Mizuno families held Odaka before falling in the hands of the Imagawa.

During the Battle of Okehazama, Matsudaira Motoyasu (Tokugawa Ieyasu) delivered 450 bags of rice and 110-150 horses to Odaka.  Nobunaga had two forts to counter Odaka, Marune and Washizu.  Nobunaga was victorious at the Battle of Okehazama in 1560 when he killed Imagawa Yoshimoto.  After the battle, Odaka was abandoned due to its lost strategic value.

Tenka no tame!

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