Saturday, March 13, 2021

Stevie T Is Done

 I have to say this, but Stevie T is done.  When you have amateur historians calling you out on a big mistake that can be easily corrected.  The person who did this video is okay and is more accurate than most historians out there.  It is brief, but does the job of pointing out the mistakes.  

3:04 Nohime is mentioned in the video and a plus.  She is rarely mentioned at all in most documentaries.  Kudos for bringing it up.  For those who want to read up more on Nohime, I suggest Rumi Komonz Kicho & Nobunaga. A novel in English and easy to read.

4:14 Nobunaga's appearance and misinformation.  Glad that the person who did the video mentions Nobunaga's activities in song and dance.  Yes, when Nobunaga was young he dressed and dance as a woman.  That being said, he was extremely masculine.  No doubt about it.  If you read The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Nobunaga was actively involved in swimming, falconry, horsemanship, sumo, the art of the bow and rifle, and so on.  I think this was to balance out the usual interpretation of Nobunaga.  I have no problem with it if you include both his crazy youth behavior as well as his true interests.

16:42 This is the most important part of the video, the calling out of Stevie T (Stephen Turbull) on his simple, but important mishap on Okehazama.  No, Hideyoshi did NOT kill Yoshimoto.  The joint effort of Hattori Koheita and Mori Shinsuke did the job.  Shinsuke took Yoshimoto's head.  A huge mistake that would have been easily corrected if one pulled him aside or a simple read of The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga. I am glad he called out Stevie T, because unfortunately most people believe will believe what Stevie said.  It makes me furious because I am one of the members of Arimatsu Okehazama Battlefield Preservation Committee, and my job as a member is not only preserve the battlefield, but explain to people about the battle, the people who participated in it, the tactics, as well as the history.  

Overall, I am happy that someone is calling out all of bs out there.

Tenka no tame!

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