Thursday, June 17, 2021

Okehazama Weather

 It was well known that the day of the Battle of Okehazama was terribly hot.  It was so hot that the barring of the Imagawa soldiers rapidly faded.  A week earlier, Yoshimoto departed Sunpu with his army.  The weather was not known or written down, but it had to decent since the army marched and crossed several rivers with ease.

A link with an article on Okehazama and weather. 


The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 88) "At that very moment there was a cloudburst. Hailstones pelted the enemy in the face, while ours felt the storm in their back."

Imagawa Yoshimoto was not a fit man.  He was short and fat.  During the campaign he rode on a panalquin with armor.  So during the day of battle, he must of been sweating and clothes wet with sweat.  Of course, the wind and rain came which was to Nobunaga's advantage.  After the rain stopped, Nobunaga attacked Yoshimoto's camp.

Nobunaga no tame!

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