Tuesday, December 14, 2021

2021 Awards


It is that time of year again when I give out the awards.  This year unfortunately will be smaller due to the unusual times.

Historian of the year: Taniguchi Katsuhiro (Posthumous)  He was one of the better historians out there regarding Nobunaga.  Yes, I had issues with him on certain topics such as Okehazama, but agreed with him other such as the Honnoji.  He will be missed.  I have several of his works and the one thing I can tell you is he makes you think.

Book of the year: Oda Nobunaga by Seiji Haji.

Movie of the year: Okehazama Oda Nobunaga Haou no Tanjo Ebizo Ichikawa's role as Nobunaga did enough to make the television movie a success.  Was the movie perfect?  No.  That being said, it did capture the spirit of the battle.  People such as Yanada Masatsuna and the Men of the Fields were included.  Battle scenes were decent enough for a television movie.

Tenka no tame!

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