Saturday, September 24, 2022

Matsubara and Okehazama

 Earlier this month, my good friend Hide Mikawa post something unusual on his blog.  The subject was about Hioki Shrine, pine trees, Okehazama, and Nagoya Naka-ku Matsubara.  Before Nobunaga prayed at Atsuta Shrine just before the Battle of Okehazama, he stopped at Enokihakusan Shrine and Hioki Shrine.  At Hioki, Nobunaga promised to plant 1,000 pines trees throughout the area if he won.  He did and followed up on that promise.  The photo above comes from the Owari Meisho Zue near Nagoya Higashi Honganji during the Edo Era. Higashi Honganji was built during the Edo Era near the ruins of Furuwatari Castle.  The area was known as Senbon Matsubara.  At the present time, there is an area in Nagoya located in Naka-ku as Matsubara.  There is no doubt that it's roots come from the pine trees Nobunaga planted after the Battle of Okehazama.  Unfortunately, the area is a modern concrete shopping center. 


Tenka no tame!

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