Friday, January 13, 2023

A Historical Experiment


Yesterday I finally was able to make a historical walk and it may prove the Battle of Okehazama was more expansive than originally thought.  I walk from Takaneyama (highest point on the battlefield) to the Toyoake City Okehazama Battlefield.  With traffic included, it took less than 10 minutes.  Both battlefields are extremely close to each other. Now imagine the time even shortens with the geography back then. Probably five minutes.  As I have written in the past, the Imagawa soldiers fleeing to Kutsukake Castle were probably killed off near the Toyoake City Battlefield.  The same goes for those trying to flee to Odaka, they were killed off near the Arimatsu Okehazama Battlefield. It proves my point both Toyoake City and Arimatsu Okehazama Battlefields are related and historical.  It is time to stop the history politics for once and for all.

Tenka no tame!

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