Sunday, May 7, 2023

Owada Tetsuo Mikatagahara Video

 Earlier this morning I watched another video by Owada Tetsuo explaining the Battle of Mikatagahara. Takeda Shingen led his army and fought Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Battle of Mikatagahara. Nobunaga was only able to send a token force, more on that later. What was Shingen's goal? There are two explanations. 1) Take over Totomi and Mikawa. 2) March to Kyoto.  Mikatagahara was a total disaster for Ieyasu. Nobunaga's token force was routed and did not do much. Why did Nobunaga provided Ieyasu with a token army? Unfortunately, Nobunaga was preoccupied with the Asakura, Azai, and the Shogun Yoshiaki. If Nobunaga was able to send his full army, Mikatagahara might have been different. Ieyasu realized he needed Nobunaga support to fight the Takeda. He was not strong enough to handle Shingen by himself. Nobunaga and Ieyasu learned from their mistakes from Mikatagahara. They shorten the battlefield to their advantage and their use of firearms at Nagashino in 1575 damaged the Takeda.

Nobunaga no tame!

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