Sunday, March 10, 2024

Shogun Costumes

 Here is a video discussing about the costume design for Shogun. I have a couple of books in English and Japanese on what Nobunaga and Ieyasu wore during the Sengoku Era.

The picture above: Sengoku Fashion Zukan This book has a lot of illustrations on what people wore during the time of Nobunaga. Easy to read and understand. Even has a section on hairstyles (Men and women).

Samurai : Arms Armor Costume by Mitsuo Kure is a must have. This book is in English and has several photos of clothing of the Sengoku Era.

Rekishi Gunzo Ogou to Sengoku Onnatachi  This book has a small section step by step how women would their makeup and clothing.

Nobunaga no tame!

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