Saturday, September 28, 2024

Nobunaga Arrives in Kyoto 1568


Nobunaga finally arrives in Kyoto with his army in 1568. The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga mentioned that Nobunaga stayed at Tofukuji. However, Nobunaga's headquarters was actually the famous Toji.

The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 121)
"On the 28th Nobunaga moved his headquarters to the Tofukuji and ordShibata Hyuga no Kami, Hachiya Hyogo no Kami [Yoritaka], Mori Sanzaemon, and Sakai Ukon [Masahisa] to take charge of the advanced guard. They crossed the Katsura River to attack Shoryuji Castle, an enemy fort held by Iwanari Chikara no Kami [Tomomichi]. When the enemy made a sortie with light infantry, these four captains gave glance at each other, instantly decided to charge, and rode their horses strainto the enemy. They took more than fifty heads, which they presented to Nobunaga at the Tofukuji."

Now with the footnote regarding to Tofukuji and Toji. (p. 121)
"The Tofukuji is a Zen temple located on the southeastern outskirts of Kyoto. In fact, Nobunaga set up his headquarters not there but at the Toji, the great temple of the Shingon sect in the south of Kyoto" Also it worth mentioning that Nobunaga arrived in with his army on the 26th, not the 28th.

Nobunaga no tame!

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