It was well know Nobunaga ate some form of chazuke (rice porridge) before the Battle of Okehazama. Simple country foods, strong flavor, and packed with nutrients kept Nobunaga healthily and stable.
A great link with some information in English on Nobunaga and his diet:
According to the link, he was also fond of dumplings and were nicknamed "Uesama dango" (His Highness's dumplings). Perfect and fit for a king. Of course, on certain occasions, the food would be more elaborate.
Nobunaga no tame!
I wonder if Nobunaga ate natto?
He probably did eat a lot of soybean products. Nobunaga was rarely sick and I think it was due to his diet, work ethic, and a bit of luck.
The story about Nobunaga almost killing a cook... Was that in Shinchou ko ki? O.o
No. However, it is noted in other history books. I bought a book not too long ago by the nme of Nobunaga no gohan, Ryouma no obento.
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