Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Compare The Two

Compare the two.  Sometani Shota and Kimura Takuya roles as Nobunaga.  Unfortunately  Sometani looks boyish  and not as masculine  compared  to Kimura.  Takuya Kimura looks masculine and highly resembles what a young Nobunaga might have looked like.  Yes, Nobunaga was known to be a good looking,  masculine, and tall man.  One must remember  that Nobunaga trained for war on a daily basis when he was young.  Training  such as riding the horse on a daily basis, swimming  during the summer, training  with the rifle and bow, studying on the art of war, and falconry.  Takuya is a cross mix between Takashi Sorimachi and Eguchi Yosuke.  I highly  recommend Tenka wo Totta Baka (1998).  The television movie is okay, but Kimura's role as Nobunaga is great and it captures the spirit of the Uesama.

Nobunaga no tame!

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