Saturday, March 7, 2020

They Deserved It

I have posted many times about the monks of Mt. Hiei before Nobunaga slaughtered them.  They either fought their way out, bought their way out, or prayed their way out of trouble.  They were no saints either.  The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 165) "Was it that their time had come?  Mount Hiei was the guardian of the imperial capital.  Nevertheless, the monks who lived on the mountain and its foot cared nothing for penances, ascetic exercises and monastic practices, and felt no shame at the derision of the realm.  Heedless of the Way of Heaven and its terrors, they gave themselves over to lewdness, ate fish and fowl, indulged in bribery, and wallowed in gold and silver."

Yes, Mt. Hiei deserved what they got, a brutal beating by Nobunaga and they were never the same after the massacre.

Tenka no tame!

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