Saturday, April 25, 2020

Battle of Muraki Link

My Sengoku warfare colleague Hide has an article on the Battle of Muraki 1554.

His blog post describes the Battle of Muraki landmarks and I have been there myself many times. 

The Battle of Muraki was a key victory for Nobunaga and it was warm up for the Battle of Okehazama. 

For the Imagawa here are the targets.

Strategic: Owari
Operational: Chita Bay
Tactical: Muraki, a stepping stone to the heart of Owari.

Key points for Nobunaga's victory.

  1. Support from his father-in-law, Saito Dosan.
  2. Quick crossing of the Ise Bay.
  3. Nobunaga's use of firearms.
  4. Leadership.

Tenka no tame!

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