Sunday, April 26, 2020

Nobunaga's Attire

Many movies and television dramas have aired the meeting between Nobunaga and Dosan. Nobunaga's attire was well known and he did not dress properly that often.  The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga describes his attire in full detail before meeting with Dosan.

P. (62) "This was Nobunaga's get-up day: He had his hair straight up like a tea whisk, tied with fresh-green ribbons, and wore a bathrobe with sleeves removed.  He bore a great sword and a dagger, both with gold-encrusted sheaths, stuck into a straw  rope that he had wrapped around himself, and a thick bracelet made of hemp secured his sword to his wrist.  From his waist dangled seven to eight gourds and pouches for flints, as though he were some kind of monkey-trainer.  His half-trousers were made of four panels of tiger and leopard skin, each dyed a different color."

The recent Kirin ga Kuru showed Nobunaga wearing a colorful robe, but without the trousers.  If one watches Nakamura Kinnosuke's Fuunj Nobunaga 1959, you will get a more accurate account what Nobunaga wore on that day.

Nobunaga no tame!

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