Monday, June 29, 2020

Okehazama and Guns

During the Battle of Okehazama, firearms where used.  The question is how many?  Probably a few hundred.  Now this a map of the Toyoake City Okehazama Battlefield.  The red line is direction of Nobunaga's attack.  Going south and then attacking east.  North of Okehazama (212 feet above sea level) is where Mori Shinsuke along with 200 men was placed and then attacked to the southeast.  Now, near (2) is where Nobunaga gunnery squad was located and attacked. Again, this is the Toyoake City Battlefield.  Also one must include the Arimatsu Battlefield when studying the Battle of Okehazama.  Both are related and close to each other (10 to 15 minutes apart by foot). If Imagawa soldiers fleeing to Odaka Castle during the chaos, then Arimatsu makes sense.  If the soldiers were fleeing to Kutsukake Castle, Toyoake City is the answer.  During the battle, Imagawa soldiers tried to escape to both castles.  Also the Okehazama area is wide enough to cover both battlefields.

The Matsudairaki and the Mikawa no kuni bunshi notes guns were fired at the Imagawa camp.  Nobunaga's army was around 2,000 when he attacked Yoshimoto's headquarters.  Here is my opinion and the number is conservative.  Nobunaga probably had 300 or less during the battle.  That excludes the number of firearms that Fort Marune,Washizu, Tange, Zenshoji, Nakajima were provided by Nobunaga.

Tenka no tame!

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