Friday, January 1, 2021


 Happy 2021!  2020 was disastrous and with a new year comes a new beginning.  As always, I like to celebrate the new year Nobunaga style.  The famous 1574 New Year celebration at Gifu Castle with the gold lacquered skulls of Azai Nagamasa, Azai Hisamasa, and Asakura Yoshikage.

To celebrate 2021 I will start with a passage from the Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 248). This passage happened in early 1576.

"From the middle decade of the First Month, Korezumi Gorozaemon began construction work at Mount Azuchi in Omi Province on Nobunaga's orders. On the 23rd of the Second Month, Nobunaga moved his seat to Azuchi.  As the initial work was to his liking, he rewarded Gorozaemon with one of the famous objects of art from his own collection, a tea bowl that had once belonged to Shuko--a happy event for Korezumi."

The tea bowl that Nobunaga rewarded Korezumi Gorozaemon (Niwa Nagahide) was a Chinese tea bowl that was treasured by the fifteenth century aesthete Murata Shuko, the forefather of the Japanese tea ceremony.

Tenka no tame!

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