Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Azuchi Castle Why?

 Here is another great short video by Owada Tetsuo on why Nobunaga moved to Azuchi and built a new castle.  There are many reasons why.  Mino, while strategically located in Central Japan was just a holding place for a regular daimyo.  Yes, it was close to Kyoto, but took a few days to get there.  At Azuchi, it would take a half a day by crossing Lake Biwa.  Also, Azuchi was close enough to control the political situation in Kyoto, but far enough of its daily shenanigans.  Highways such as tge Hokokukaido, Tosando, Nakasando, and Tokaido were easily accessible.  Another key advantage at Azuchi was he had to keep in check Uesugi Kenshin of Echigo and the Honganji Ozaka.  Also Azuchi would be the new economic center for Nobunaga creating new wealth for him as well as to wage war.  If there was one major drawback for Nobunaga at Azuchi, it was completely barren.  Building materials had to imported by cart and land had to be reclaimed.  Later in the video Owada Tetsuo briefly explains Nobunaga holy War against the Honganji.

Tenka no tame!

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