Saturday, August 13, 2022

Ijin Full Dosan Video


Here is the full video Ijin Rirekisho with the main topic on Saito Dosan.  It is not that bad.  There are things that I disagree with.  For example, his father was the oil merchant.  Which is false in my opinion.  It is the new flavor of the month for historians in my opinion.  That being said, it does a great job explaining the struggles between the Toki and Saito as well as the Oda. One other great point is how Dosan made Mino an economic power. This is so important because it made the Saito as well as Mino rich.  The video continues with his relationship with Nobunaga, which was key. After Dosan's death the video correctly states that Nobunaga continued to make Gifu and Mino an economic hub.

Nobunaga no tame!

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