Monday, April 26, 2021

Ieyasu Portrait News


Earlier today I watched a video by Owada Tetsuo explaining Tokugawa Ieyasu's famous Mikatagahara portrait.  What is stunning, is that the painting was probably not after Ieyasu's defeat at Mikatagahara, but Nagashino.  Nagashino?  

According to Hara sensei who works at the Tokugawa Bijutsukan in Nagoya, Ieyasu was not wearing tabi (socks) during the portrait.  This is a clue because Mikatagahara was fought during the cold winter.  Owada suggests Nagashino.  Myself, I have no clue because it is not my specialty.  It might be Mikatagahara or later.  A summer event.  Who knows, but Nagashino sounds interesting for sure.  

Hara sensei has a paper published on this study for about a few years now.  So it is nothing new or outlandish.

Nobunaga no tame!

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