Monday, April 12, 2021

Invasion of Mino After Okehazama

 After Nobunaga's victory at the Battle of Okehazama, he quickly invaded Mino. According to Okaka Masahito's Oda Nobunaga Sogo Jiten (pp. 323-4), Nobunaga attacked Mino not once, but twice during the summer of 1560.  The source that was used in Masahito's book was the Sokenki. The Sokenki also known as the Oda Gunki is a mid Edo Era chronicle that drew much of its work from Oze Hoan Shinchoki. Just be careful when reading it.  If Nobunaga did attack Mino after Okehazama, it was to show Saito Yoshitatsu that he was dead serious to conquer Mino.  Yoshitatsu ended up creating an alliance with the Rokkaku in Southern Omi after Nobunaga's attack.  One must remember that the Rokkaku did send an army to fight with Nobunaga at Okehazama.  If Nobunaga did attack Mino, it was more likely it was a skirmish than a full assault.

Tenka no tame!

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