Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Owari no Tora

 Here is some artwork from Banshoji Temple located in the Osu Kanjon district in Nagoya.  Owari no Tora means Tiger of Owari.  Owari no Tora was the nickname of Nobunaga's father, Oda Nobuhide.  Banshoji was built by Nobuhide in 1540.  Fitting since this is the year of the Tiger.  Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 53) describes Nobuhide, "Lord Bingo (Nobuhide), a particularly able man, made friends of the good fighting men of the various families  and exerted a certain control over them."  Nobuhide was feared by Saito Dosan, the Matsudaira, as well as the Imagawa.  There was a reason why he was called the Tiger of Owari.

Nobunaga no tame!

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