Sunday, July 17, 2022

Ieyasu's Death

 Tokugawa Ieyasu died in 1616.  Without Nobunaga's victory at the Battle of Okehazama in 1560, Ieyasu probably would have been a minor footnote.  The friendship between Nobunaga and Ieyasu lasted until 1582, when Nobunaga died.  As for Ieyasu, there is a story that he died due to eating tempura.  I do not think it actually happened.  If he really did die because of it, the fish might have been off.

Conrad Totman Tokugawa Ieyasu Shogun (p. 108)

"Popular wisdom credits Ieyasu's fondness for simple food with being the end of him. His final sickness commenced during a hawking expedition, and the customary story tells us that while he was hunting, his friend, the merchant Chaya Shirojiro, visited to pay his respects. Talking idly, Chaya described a tasty dish then fashionable in Kyoto, the fish sea bream (tai) fried in sesame oil and garnished with shredded garlic. Ieyasu said it sounded delicious  and promptly ordered two varieties of sea bream caught and prepared in the Kyoto manner. They were served, and and he pronounced them excellent and ate his full. Shortly afterward he became sick and presumably from spoiled fish, and never recovered."

The video above is a simple recipe of what Ieyasu might have ate. Nothing luxurious.  Fish, flour, water, and salt.

Nobunaga no tame!

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