Sunday, September 1, 2013

Komaki Castle

In 1563, Nobunaga moved his headquarters to Komaki from Kiyosu.  Nobunaga's stay at Komaki was brief, fours years, but it might give us some clues on what he did later: Azuchi Castle!  Komaki Castle might have been a blueprint for Azuchi Castle. 2013 is the 450th anniversary of the construction of Komaki Castle.  It is not the best, but it has improved the past few years.  I did visit the castle back in 2000 and my experience was not that great.  However, I do plan to make a return visit later this year.  The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga has a passage on Komaki Castle.  (Elisonas/Lamers, pp. 109-110)

"Kazusa no Suke Nobunaga came up with a marvelous ploy.  Kiyosu, which lay in the very center of Owari Province, was a prosperous place.  One day Nobunaga summoned all of his closest retainers and took them up Mount Ninomiya, a high peek surrounded by other mountains.  'I will order a fortress to be constructed on this mountain,' he announced.  'Everybody shall move his residence here.'  He went about assigning plots of land to his vassals.  'Build on this ridge!' he said to one.  'Build in that valley!' he told another.  That same day, he returned to Kiyosu.  Later he went the mountain once more, and at length he drove home his message.  his retainers, whether high- or low-ranking, were not a little unhappy about the orders to leave their Kiyosu homes for the deep mountains; indeed, they were distraught.  At this juncture, Nobunaga issued new orders-to relocate to Mount Komaki.  A waterway extended to its foot, making Komaki a convenient place for transporting household goods and other possessions.  All as one gladly moved there.  Had Nobunaga ordered the move to Komaki from the beginning, his men would have been distressed as they were at the prospect of Ninomiya."

Nobunaga no tame!

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