Saturday, January 4, 2020

Moriyama Castle

Moriyama Castle was located just northeast of Nagoya Castle during the time of Nobunaga.  It was 167 by 190 feet in length. The lord of Moriyama Castle was Nobunaga's uncle Oda Nobumitsu (1516-55).  According to the Shincho-Ko ki, Nobumitsu was a man excelling in the profession of  Arms.  He participated with Nobunaga in such battles as Kayatsu and Muraki in the early 1550s.  Also he was known to help Nobunaga to capture Kiyosu Castle, a major turning point for the unification of Owari. In return, Nobumitsu received Nagoya Castle as his reward.  However, not long after Nobunaga took over Kiyosu, Nobumitsu was assassinated by one of his retainers  Sakai Magohachiro.

Nobunaga no tame!

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