Sunday, May 10, 2020

Motoyasu Leaves For Odaka

May 10th, 1560 Matsudaira Motoyasu (Tokugawa Ieyasu) leaves Sunpu for Odaka Castle.  Odaka Castle which under the command of Udono Nagateru was in need of supplies.  Motoyasu and a couple thousand troops was ordered by Imagawa Yoshimoto to lead the army to conquer Owari and Nobunaga.

There were over 450 bags of rice, 110-150 horses, and other necessities packed for Odaka.  The Imagawa bought rice from Mino that was shipped from Ise to Okazaki and Sunpu.  Besides the Matsudaira family, the Asahina, Ii, and the Sena participated in the campaign.  They would do much of the dirty work for Yoshimoto before he arrived at Okehazama and was killed in battle.

Nobunaga knew from intelligence reports gathered by the Men of the Fields that the Imagawa were about to invade Owari.  Time was short as well as resources.  Nobunaga knew if he was going to come out alive, something had to be done without any mishaps.

The picture is from Steven Turnbull's Samurai Warfare. 

It was noted that Motoyasu wore gold plated armor when he left for Odaka.

Nobunaga no tame!

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