Sunday, July 26, 2020

Okehazama and Shrines

My good friend Hide from Japan has an excellent video on the Battle of Okehazama and shrines.  It is a known fact that Nobunaga visited Atsuta Shrine during the Battle of Okehazama, not once but twice.  Hide's video covers the lesser known shrines such as Enokihakusan Jinja, Hioki, and Jigenji.  The video does show where the shrines are located and one stands out alone.  Jigenji is located far east of the traditional route that Nobunaga took during the battle.  It does make you think did Nobunaga really make a visit there.  Maybe after the battle.  The video is easy to understand and it is short enough to digest the information without feeling bogged down.

Tenka no tame!

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