Monday, September 26, 2022

Nobunaga at Toji

 On Sept 26th, 1568 Nobunaga arrived in Kyoto with Ashikaga Yoshiaki.  Yoshiaki would stay at Kiyomizudera, while Nobunaga moved his headquarters at Toji.  According to The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Nobunaga stayed at Tofukuji, which is incorrect.  Here is the footnote from the The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 121, footnote 15) "The actual date was the 26th; ibid. The Tofukuji is a Zen temple located on the southeastern outskirts of Kyoto.  In fact, Nobunaga set up his headquarters not there but at the Toji, the great temple of the Shingon sect in the south of Kyoto."

Nobunaga no tame!

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