Friday, May 19, 2023

2023 Okehazama Day

 Today is May, 19th, Battle of Okehazama Day! Today's post will be a little different. I have been doing some thinking and here is one question that needs to be asked.  What if Matsudaira Motoyasu (Tokugawa Ieyasu) was killed at the Battle of Okehazama? I am talking about his siege of Fort Marune. What if the attack of Fort Marune failed? Here is the answer, the Matsudaira family would have greatly weakened. Mikawa Province would have been in shambles. With Mikawa weak, Nobunaga would have invaded it with ease. However, with Mino still strong with Saito Yoshitatsu in charge, Nobunaga rear would have been exposed.

While in Japan earlier this year, I still had a heated discussion related to the Arimatsu and Toyoake City Battlefields. One must remember that the scope of the battle was more expansive than originally thought. The battle dead were scattered everywhere. Imagawa soldiers who were trying to escape to Kutsukake Castle was killed around the Toyoake City Battlefield. The same goes for Odaka Castle.  Those who were trying to flee there, was killed around the Arimatsu Okehazama Battlefield.

Nobunaga no tame!

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