Thursday, August 1, 2024

Yanada Masatsuna's Grave

 A few years ago I was able to visit Yanada Masatsuna's grave with the help of Arimatsu Okehazama Battlefield Preservation Committee. His grave is located at Shouoji Temple near the Kutsukake Castle ruins in Toyoake City, Aichi Prefecture. Yanada Masatsuna was from Kunotsubo in Owari. He provided Nobunaga with intelligence on the whereabouts regarding Imagawa Yoshimoto's camp during the Battle of Okehazama. After Nobunaga's victory, he was rewarded with Kutsukake Castle and cash for his efforts. In 1573, he participated in a tea ceremony with Kawajiri Hidetaka, Ban Naomasa, and tea master Tsuda Sogyu.

For more information on Yanada Masatsuna, please read Okehazama Kassen Kishu no Shinjutsu by Ota Teruo.

Nobunaga no tame!

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