Sunday, September 8, 2024

Matsunaga Hisahide's Grave


One of Matsunaga Hisahide's (?-1577) grave is located at Myoekaiso graveyard in Kyoto. I was able to visit earlier this year. I am not going to post anything about the siege of Shigi  Castle. Instead, this post will focus on the destruction of the Great Buddha Hall in Nara. At the time, Hisahide was the culprit. However, he was not responsible for the destruction.

From a footnote in The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga (p. 272)

"The year was 1567. According to the Jesuit missionary Luis, the Great Buddha Hall was set ablaze not by Matsunaga Hisahide, as universally believed, but by a Christian samurai from the Miyoshi army that was besieging Hisahide's Tamon Castle and was encamped in the Todaiji temple complex."

Tenka no tame!

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