Togawa mentioned that many travelers did know about the Arimatsu battlefield because it was too far. His book was published in 1999 and he was correct at the time of publishing. My own personal experiences were not great. My first trip there a few years ago I had to take a taxi and was completely lost. The second time, a bus and the weather was lousy. The third time was the walking tour with Mr. Yukio Kajino which was a blast.
Almost ten years later, the situation has changed for the better. I think Mr. Kajino and the 450th anniversary staff knew something had to be done to make the battlefield access much smoother. The staff went out of their way to make sure everybody knew about the Arimatsu location.

The color map and the Okehazama link has been a blessing. Next time I will start from Arimatsu station and follow the map. You can download the map from the Okehazama web page.
The map and audio is in Japanese. However, this is one of the best I have seen to make the Arimastu battlefield's access much easier. The question is now which battlefield do you want to visit. I say visit both of them. If you have any hour or less, then visit the Toyoake City battlefield since it is only minutes from the station. If you have a half a day or a full day, visit both and you will be rewarded with a lovely experience in my opinion.
I have to say, Mr. Yukio Kajino and his staff has done a fantastic job and there will be more coming as the days lead up to the big festival in May.
Tenka no tame!
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