Thursday, October 9, 2014

2014 Soken-in Temple

If you are in Kyoto between early October to early December, I suggest you visit Soken-in Temple located at Daitokuji.  Soken-in is only open to the public in the fall.  It has a huge statue of Oda Nobunaga, his grave along with his sons, the grave of his daughter Gotoku, and the grave of his wife Nohime and concubine Onabe no Kata.  I usually visit Soken-in every year since it is a rare treat.  The temple also has beautiful tea rooms as well.  Usually, there is a volunteer (Japanese only) who guides you along with a group through the temple grounds.

Here a post from last year:

Nobunaga no tame!


Daeva said...

I've been there during my stay in Japan ^_^

But it's not open only during Fall, it's open also in Spring.
..Is that the tomb of Gotoku? There's a different kanji on there :/ ? There's also the memorial of Onabe-no-kata!

otsuke said...

Gotoku's tomb is not pictured here. It is located in far right corner of the graveyard. You might have to ask someone where it is.

Daeva said...

..You mean the far right of the graveyard of Nobunaga's section, or the far right of THE WHOLE graveyard..?

Who's the tomb that is placed on a lower level on the right, compared to the others, in the same section? I thought it was Gotoku's graveyard, but the name over it is different. As there's an "-hime" implied, though, I guessed that it was the tomb of another daughter of Nobunaga... Maybe that's Kichou's..?

PS: Talking about Kichou, I even managed to take pictures of the Kichou's bus in Gifu! Can't wait to show you ^^

otsuke said...

Nohime and Onabe no Kata's tombs are on the left side of the graveyard across from Nobunaga's. Both have flowers on their tombs.