Friday, July 5, 2019

Okehazama Trip 2019

While in Japan in May and June I was able finally to visit Jigenji, a shine that Nobunaga allegedly visited during the Battle of Okehazama.  The only problem with Jigenji is where it is located.  Jigenji is is on the east side of Nagoya and far from the route that Nobunaga took during the Battle of Okehazama.  It is the least known shrines that Nobunaga visited during the Battle of Okehazama.  The known shrines Nobunaga visited during the battle were Enokihakusan Jinja, Hioki Shrine, and Atsuta Jingu.  Now it is confirmed that Nobunaga did in fact stopped at Jigenji.  Now the question is did Nobunaga visit before or after the battle?  At the moment, I am thinking after due to the location.

Just south of Atsuta Jingu is the location of the original Kami Chikuma no Yashiro.  Nobunaga did stop here for sure.  The picture of the building is where Nobunaga look towards the east and saw the smoke from Fort Washizu and Marune.  At that time, he knew the two forts were gone.

Tenka no tame!

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