Monday, April 20, 2020

Oda Nobumitsu at Muraki

Nobunaga's uncle Oda Nobumitsu participated at the Battle of Muraki (1554). His headquarters was located at the west side of Muraki.  The picture above is where Nobumitsu's camp was located.  Mizuno Nobumoto was located on the east side and Nobunaga's on the south.  The Battle of Muraki was six years before Okehazama and Nobunaga's victory was critical for his confidence and the protection of Owari.  His use of firearms was one of the main factors for his victory.

The Battle of Muraki is often overlooked by Nobunaga historians and historical dramas in general.  That being said Kirin ga Kuru did show a small Battle of Muraki scene with Nobunaga using his gunnery squad.  Also it showed Dosan sending aid to Nobunaga by helping him to protect Nagoya, a nice touch.  Dosan sent Ando Morinari along with 1,000 men to help Nobunaga. Morinari's men were stationed at Shiga and Tabata which was located north of Nagoya.

Tenka no tame!

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