Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Bad news in Gifu.  The city put a make on the face of the golden Nobunaga statue for the propaganda stay at home campaign.  One must remember that Nobunaga was physically strong as well as mentally.  To be honest, he was rarely sick during his lifetime.  That is right.  He was rarely sick.  Probably because he was always active in war and the like. However, there is a tradeoff.  Nobunaga was wounded a few times in battle.  He was shot by a sniper by the name of Sugitani Zenjubo in 1570 right before the Battle of Anegawa.  And in 1576, he was shot in the leg at Tennoji.  Remember, Nobunaga was an Alpha male, not some sissy snowflake.  For a man who was hardly sick, this is just another ploy to be scared.  Nobunaga would tell them, up yours!

Tenka no tame!

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