Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Matsunaga Hisahide Video


Matsunaga Hisahide (1508/10-77) was one of the most brutal schemers during the Sengoku Era.  He first served under the Miyoshi, helped assassinate Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and eventually was involved in the burning of the Great Buddha Hall (Todaiji) in Nara.  Hisahide served under Nobunaga for awhile and then rebelled, and eventually went back to Nobunaga.  However, he rebelled again in 1577 and was killed.  His son Hisamichi was captured and executed in Kyoto just after the siege of Shigi Castle.

The video above is in Japanese and it is easy to follow and understand.  Well done in my opinion.  Also explains Hisahide's death and the destruction of the famous Hiragamo tea item.

Hisahide was known to be a tall, handsome man, and cultured in the tea ceremony.

Tenka no tame!

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