Saturday, August 22, 2020

Miyoshi Nagayoshi Video

 Here is a video on Sengoku Warlord Miyoshi Nagayoshi (1522-64) by Sengoku historian Owada Tetsuo.  The video is brief, but is easy to understand.  Owada also displays a family tree of the Miyoshi family.  Nagayoshi died in 1564 at Iimoriyama Castle. After his death, the Miyoshi family along with Matsunaga Hisahide was involved with the murder of shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru.  Yoshiteru was known as the Kengo Shogun since he was extremely skillful with the sword.  During Nobunaga's march to Kyoto in 1568, he brushed aside the Miyoshi.

Nobunaga no tame!

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