Wednesday, August 5, 2020

New Okehazama Book I

This post is an update on my friend Takeuchi Motokazu's new Okehazama book, Okehazama no Tatakai Zenya no Shinjutsu. His theory is that Imagawa Yoshimoto's last camp before the Battle of Okehazama was Odaka Castle.  I disagree with that theory since it was well known that Yoshimoto stopped at Kutsukake Castle on May 18th, 1560.  While I do disagree with Takeuchi's theory, he does have a primary source that supports him.  That primary source is the Mikawa Monogatari, written by Okubo Hikozaemon.  According to the Mikawa Monogatari, Yoshimoto's army arrived at Odaka Castle from Chiryu.  Is that possible?  Chiryu to Kutsukake is around six miles.  Kutsukake to Odaka is about eight miles.  If Yoshimoto's main army did leave for Odaka from Chiryu, the journey would have been approximately between fourteen to fifteen miles.  Possible?  Yes.  Kiyosu to the Okehazama battlefield is approximately fifteen to seventeen miles.  

That being said, I do not believe that Yoshimoto and his main army left Chiryu for Odaka.  Yoshimoto did stop at Kutsukake on the eve of the battle and held his last war council there.  Kutsukake was an important logistical castle for the Imagawa since it was near the Mikawa border.  After the Battle of Okehazama, Nobunaga awarded Yanada Masatsuna Kutsukake Castle and cash for intelligence role.

Tenka no tame!

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