The picture on the left is myself at Nagoya Castle, Nobunaga's hometown. The right is Shobata Castle landmark.
Shobata Castle is in the news again. There is another article claiming that Shobata Castle is Nobunaga's birthplace. The article mentions the source, Bishukojoshi, that states Shobata was Nobunaga's birthplace. If you read the article, the Shobata theory starts around in 1992. 1992 was the year of the Nobunaga Taiga drama. A good time to stir up the hornets nest in my opinion. My theory/opinion still is Nagoya Castle. It just makes sense in the long run.
Shobata Castle was constructed by Nobunaga's grandfather Nobusada in the Eisho Era (1504-21). The flatland castle was 328 by 459 (feet). There is one thing for certain regarding Shobata's birthplace. Nobunaga's father, Nobuhide was born at Shobata Castle.
Tenka no tame!
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